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Astra Destination

This page contains the setup guide and reference information for the destination-astra connector.


Minimum Python version required = 3.9.0

Setup Guide

Activate Virtual Environment and install dependencies

From this connector directory, create a virtual environment:

python -m venv .venv

This will generate a virtualenv for this module in .venv/. Make sure this venv is active in your development environment of choice. To activate it from the terminal, run:

source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

If you are in an IDE, follow your IDE's instructions to activate the virtualenv.

Note that while we are installing dependencies from requirements.txt, you should only edit for your dependencies. requirements.txt is used for editable installs (pip install -e) to pull in Python dependencies from the monorepo and will call

Create credentials

If you are a community contributor, follow the instructions in the documentation to generate the necessary credentials. Then create a file secrets/config.json conforming to the destination_astra/spec.json file. Note that the secrets directory is gitignored by default, so there is no danger of accidentally checking in sensitive information. See integration_tests/sample_config.json for a sample config file.

If you are an Airbyte core member, copy the credentials in Lastpass under the secret name destination astra test creds and place them into secrets/config.json.

Locally running the connector

python spec
python check --config secrets/config.json
python discover --config secrets/config.json
python read --config secrets/config.json --catalog integration_tests/configured_catalog.json

Locally running the connector docker image

Use airbyte-ci to build your connector

The Airbyte way of building this connector is to use our airbyte-ci tool. You can follow install instructions here. Then running the following command will build your connector:

airbyte-ci connectors --name destination-astra build

Once the command is done, you will find your connector image in your local docker registry: airbyte/destination-astra:dev.

Supported Sync Modes

Supported Streams


VersionDatePull RequestSubject
0.1.02024-01-08Initial Release